How did you lose your Virginity?


New member
Dec 22, 2004
Everything have gone thru this. But the questions is how and who DE-VIRGINISE you?

I wasnt lucky to get de-virginise during my first few intimate acts. However, I did receive a BJ during the few. I thought I had been de-virginise many many years ago.. I told some friends and they kinda Laugh their asses off. They said, You need to stick that thing into their Bunghole.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
mine was kinda like a mob hit...i walked in shot all over her and was gone

New member
Apr 21, 2002
FISHHEAD's rotweiller.

She's either funnin' or bunnin' or else I'm runnin
Jan 11, 2005
feb 15th 1985. I remember it like it was yesterday. for months i kept telling my dad that i was "going to get it" with a 15 year old redhead. i was 13 at the time. next thing you know, i get home around 1130pm, my pop is in the den watching a movie. he looks at me and says, "so, how was your night". I just glare back with a huge smile. he says, you didn't, i said i did. he said, "that's my boy" gave me a big hug and we went into the kitchen to split a beer and talk about it.

one of my fonder memories.

New member
Feb 28, 2005
I was 14 and it was like this.

My boss was the mother of a friend of my younger brother. I went over to their house with another neighborhood kid who was 17 and dumber than a box of rocks to see if her son could play some football with us.

Well, he was supposed to be home in like an hour, so it was hot as hell out and we decided to wait.

While we are waiting, the movie Porky's or some other movie like it is playing and anyway there is a nude scene. My boss(friends mom) 33 years old says "I shouldn't let you guys watch this without your parents permission" or something to that effect.

Dumb as rocks says, "Shit, it ain't nothing I haven't seen before" acting all big shit to impress her I guess. So she says "Oh yeah, I guess you are just Mr Experience eh Greg?" So this dialogue goes on for nearly 10 minutes and finally she is starting to catch onto the fact that he (as am I ) is still a virgin and has been asking questions to trip him up, like "it sure does take a long time to get off your first time doesn't it?" to which dummy says, "hell yes, it took me like 2 hours my first time" etc.

I am just being quiet, because I don't want to embarrass myself with my lack of knowledge or the fact that I was practically drooling at this point.

Well, I don't know how it went from there exactly other than her son came home, but it was now past dark, so no football, she sends Greg and her son to the store for sodas and I stay behind. She says "that Greg is so full of shit" and something to the effect that since I was being quiet I had probably had more action than him, not to mention that he is a dumb ape, and I am a pretty attractive guy.

I say "No, I have only kissed a girl and had my hand up their shirt" She asks if I think I am a good kisser and am I sure I havent even had my hand down a girl's pants? I say, I guess I'm good, I don't know and that I am sure that I would have remembered having my hand down a girl's pants.

She asks if I would like to kiss her, I say sure, she says "Come here" I kiss her, she says I am very good at it and tells me she'll be right back.

Two minutes later she says "come here I want to show you something" I go into the other room, realize she is in her bedroom in lingerie and I am about to bust already when she comes over unzips my pants and wraps her mouth around my stiffy. Well needless to say, that took like 10 seconds, about another 2 minutes to be ready again, and then another 2 minutes to blow again inside her.

They come home, I am the happiest 14 year old alive until the following week when I went over, door was open, go on in as always and she comes out of the shower naked and I think hell yes time to get naked!!

She DESTROYS me when she says " What the hell are you doing, you scared the shit outta me" I think no biggie and step to her, only to be yelled at that it "Can NEVER happen again, and get outta here you little perv! I tried to be nice to you and break your cherry and you think you can just walk in here and fuck me anytime you want?"

I quit my paper route, found a girl my age and that was that.

They moved and I didn't see her again until her son's wedding 10 years later.

BOY, was that strange!! We just had that look. Shoulda took that opportunity to show her what I had learned over that 10 years, but by then she was looking her age at 45 and I had a pretty hot girlfriend who is now my wife of 9 years.


Jan 20, 2002
Was 16 year old and working in a pizza joint. A 27 year old barmaid, took me out and showed me the ropes. Linda Baumgardner. Will always remember her fondly.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
slowplayer said:
I was 14 and it was like this.

My boss was the mother of a friend of my younger brother. I went over to their house with another neighborhood kid who was 17 and dumber than a box of rocks to see if her son could play some football with us.

Well, he was supposed to be home in like an hour, so it was hot as hell out and we decided to wait.

While we are waiting, the movie Porky's or some other movie like it is playing and anyway there is a nude scene. My boss(friends mom) 33 years old says "I shouldn't let you guys watch this without your parents permission" or something to that effect.

Dumb as rocks says, "Shit, it ain't nothing I haven't seen before" acting all big shit to impress her I guess. So she says "Oh yeah, I guess you are just Mr Experience eh Greg?" So this dialogue goes on for nearly 10 minutes and finally she is starting to catch onto the fact that he (as am I ) is still a virgin and has been asking questions to trip him up, like "it sure does take a long time to get off your first time doesn't it?" to which dummy says, "hell yes, it took me like 2 hours my first time" etc.

I am just being quiet, because I don't want to embarrass myself with my lack of knowledge or the fact that I was practically drooling at this point.

Well, I don't know how it went from there exactly other than her son came home, but it was now past dark, so no football, she sends Greg and her son to the store for sodas and I stay behind. She says "that Greg is so full of shit" and something to the effect that since I was being quiet I had probably had more action than him, not to mention that he is a dumb ape, and I am a pretty attractive guy.

I say "No, I have only kissed a girl and had my hand up their shirt" She asks if I think I am a good kisser and am I sure I havent even had my hand down a girl's pants? I say, I guess I'm good, I don't know and that I am sure that I would have remembered having my hand down a girl's pants.

She asks if I would like to kiss her, I say sure, she says "Come here" I kiss her, she says I am very good at it and tells me she'll be right back.

Two minutes later she says "come here I want to show you something" I go into the other room, realize she is in her bedroom in lingerie and I am about to bust already when she comes over unzips my pants and wraps her mouth around my stiffy. Well needless to say, that took like 10 seconds, about another 2 minutes to be ready again, and then another 2 minutes to blow again inside her.

They come home, I am the happiest 14 year old alive until the following week when I went over, door was open, go on in as always and she comes out of the shower naked and I think hell yes time to get naked!!

She DESTROYS me when she says " What the hell are you doing, you scared the shit outta me" I think no biggie and step to her, only to be yelled at that it "Can NEVER happen again, and get outta here you little perv! I tried to be nice to you and break your cherry and you think you can just walk in here and fuck me anytime you want?"

I quit my paper route, found a girl my age and that was that.

They moved and I didn't see her again until her son's wedding 10 years later.

BOY, was that strange!! We just had that look. Shoulda took that opportunity to show her what I had learned over that 10 years, but by then she was looking her age at 45 and I had a pretty hot girlfriend who is now my wife of 9 years.


Thats the coolest fuckin story Ive ever heard and I'm not so sure you didnt scoop that off of some porn site.

Geez that was sweet.

New member
Dec 27, 2004
Wow, you guys have good stories. I lost mine at some party to some fat whore that two other guys hosed the same night.

Sep 25, 2006
jakethompson said:
FISHHEAD's rotweiller.

That lil Bastard! I swear she said he'll never tell anyone. And I cant believe that Fishhead either....

New member
Dec 10, 2006
Wish I was that lucky to have someone show me the ropes. We both were virgins and both of us had no clue what we were doing. It definitely was not pretty :smoking: .

Go Grizz!!!
Oct 8, 2005

New member
Feb 28, 2005
Boxslayer said:
Thats the coolest fuckin story Ive ever heard and I'm not so sure you didnt scoop that off of some porn site.

Geez that was sweet.


That story is the God's honest truth.


Oct 27, 2006
slowplayer said:
I was 14 and it was like this.

My boss was the mother of a friend of my younger brother. I went over to their house with another neighborhood kid who was 17 and dumber than a box of rocks to see if her son could play some football with us.

Well, he was supposed to be home in like an hour, so it was hot as hell out and we decided to wait.

While we are waiting, the movie Porky's or some other movie like it is playing and anyway there is a nude scene. My boss(friends mom) 33 years old says "I shouldn't let you guys watch this without your parents permission" or something to that effect.

Dumb as rocks says, "Shit, it ain't nothing I haven't seen before" acting all big shit to impress her I guess. So she says "Oh yeah, I guess you are just Mr Experience eh Greg?" So this dialogue goes on for nearly 10 minutes and finally she is starting to catch onto the fact that he (as am I ) is still a virgin and has been asking questions to trip him up, like "it sure does take a long time to get off your first time doesn't it?" to which dummy says, "hell yes, it took me like 2 hours my first time" etc.

I am just being quiet, because I don't want to embarrass myself with my lack of knowledge or the fact that I was practically drooling at this point.

Well, I don't know how it went from there exactly other than her son came home, but it was now past dark, so no football, she sends Greg and her son to the store for sodas and I stay behind. She says "that Greg is so full of shit" and something to the effect that since I was being quiet I had probably had more action than him, not to mention that he is a dumb ape, and I am a pretty attractive guy.

I say "No, I have only kissed a girl and had my hand up their shirt" She asks if I think I am a good kisser and am I sure I havent even had my hand down a girl's pants? I say, I guess I'm good, I don't know and that I am sure that I would have remembered having my hand down a girl's pants.

She asks if I would like to kiss her, I say sure, she says "Come here" I kiss her, she says I am very good at it and tells me she'll be right back.

Two minutes later she says "come here I want to show you something" I go into the other room, realize she is in her bedroom in lingerie and I am about to bust already when she comes over unzips my pants and wraps her mouth around my stiffy. Well needless to say, that took like 10 seconds, about another 2 minutes to be ready again, and then another 2 minutes to blow again inside her.

They come home, I am the happiest 14 year old alive until the following week when I went over, door was open, go on in as always and she comes out of the shower naked and I think hell yes time to get naked!!

She DESTROYS me when she says " What the hell are you doing, you scared the shit outta me" I think no biggie and step to her, only to be yelled at that it "Can NEVER happen again, and get outta here you little perv! I tried to be nice to you and break your cherry and you think you can just walk in here and fuck me anytime you want?"

I quit my paper route, found a girl my age and that was that.

They moved and I didn't see her again until her son's wedding 10 years later.

BOY, was that strange!! We just had that look. Shoulda took that opportunity to show her what I had learned over that 10 years, but by then she was looking her age at 45 and I had a pretty hot girlfriend who is now my wife of 9 years.


maybe i'm just a dumbshit... but what person are you? "dumb as rocks" "greg" "her son"??? i don't know what the fuck is going on as the story goes on.

"Oh yeah, I guess you are just Mr Experience eh Greg?"

after that u said "then greg came home and she sent them away"... i thought YOU were fucking greg... christ i don't know. either way, that sounded like a sweet-ass story... good work.


nm... i get it now

Oct 27, 2006
my first time...

basically i sat ontop my gf and did what STEAK TARTER (post #2) is doing.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
slowplayer, that story is insane. Stuff erotic stories are made of. You lucky bastard.

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